KHCB Broadcast – Pastor’s Q & A – January 29, 2021
none • Dr. Andy Woods • January 29, 2021 • KHCB RadioKHCB – Q & A – January 29, 2021
The transcript contains the Questions received – parenthesis indicate where in the broadcast the question is asked :
1 – (03:20) – What does the Word say on someone that lives on Earth after the Rapture and survives into the Tribulation period….can he trust in Christ?
2 – (07:55) – Matt 25 – The servant who buried his talent and was cast in outer darkness. Was he saved? Also, 1 Cor 5, how does a saint look in Heaven whose works have all been burned up?
3 – (17:45) – Job 9:24 – Who are the “wicked” and who are the “judges” in this verse?
4 – (23:00) – John 8:4 – Is there any reason to believe that the woman caught in adultery was Mary Magdalene?
5 – (25:10) – What does Matt 18:18 mean by “binding on Earth and Heaven” and “loosing on Earth and Heaven”?
6 – (31:25) – Please elaborate on Duet 24:4 which concerns divorce.
7 – (37:43) – I know the position when a person dies and they cross over that if they have not accepted Christ that they do not go to Heaven and do not have a second chance. My question is why do liturgical churches pray for the dead? Is there a Biblical basis for that?
8 – (42:45) – Please comment on “Deliverance” ministries. There is little said about this practice in the Word.
9 – (48:40) – When Moses was on the Mount getting the Ten Commandments, he asked to see God’s face. God would not allow it because it would kill Moses. But He allowed Moses to see his backside as he walked past him. Moses didn’t write about that any further. Can you elaborate on that?
10 – (52:15) – Job 1:12,16,19 – By whose authority do these things happen to Job? Does Satan have this authority or is it delegated by God?
11 – (55:35) – In reading different translations from the Bible, I read a translation that had an interpretation about the deity of Jesus Christ…it portrays Christ as a different person than God. How do we know who translated these languages (Greek or Hebrew) correctly?