Position Statements
The intent of the POSITION STATEMENTS is to provide a format at Sugar Land Bible Church for addressing theological and/or ethical issues in addition to those addressed in Article II (Philosophy) and Article III (Statement of Faith) of the CONSTITUTION OF SUGAR LAND BIBLE CHURCH. Although agreement with the POSITION STATEMENTS is not required for membership, they are taught in this church.
The POSITION STATEMENTS are not meant to prohibit honest and healthy discussions concerning what the Bible teaches about these issues; however, we believe that such discussions must be conducted under the guiding principle that believers are to strive to maintain unity.
These POSITION STATEMENTS are subject to modification, deletion, or addition at the sole discretion of the Board of Elders. However, the Elders must issue a draft copy of each Position Statement in order to receive comments from the members. Thirty days will be allowed for comments before a final version is published.
We believe that the fetus, from the moment of conception, is a person (Psalm 139:13-18). We also believe that all persons are created in the image of God regardless of age, health, function and/or condition of dependency.
Hermeneutics is the art and science of interpretation. The goal of the Biblical interpreter is to discover what the text (the Bible) meant in the mind of its original author for his intended audience. The means of accomplishing this is by applying a literal, grammatical, historical approach to interpretation. By literal, grammatical, historical we mean the customary, socially acknowledged meaning of a word or phrase within its context. The Bible uses figurative and poetic language and these portions should be interpreted accordingly. However, we reject any attempt to allegorize or spiritualize scripture which is not so intended.
This church teaches that the miraculous sign gifts, including the gift of tongues, (always the ability to speak in a previously unlearned, known language) along with the gift of healings were temporal gifts, given by the Holy Spirit solely to authenticate both the apostles and their message before the close of the canon of Scripture (1 Cor. 13:8-10). We do not believe that these are active as gifts today. However, we affirm that God is sovereign and may heal today. We believe that the majority of what is termed “miraculous” within the contemporary charismatic movement is something other than the Biblical gifts of tongues or healing.